An American told how to dry children’s clothes in a matter of hours

Sometimes creative thinking really makes life easier.

Mothers know firsthand how often they have to wash children’s clothes. Sometimes they don’t even have time to dry. To make the process go faster, some parents resort to the most unusual tricks. Sometimes they can really surprise!

Beck Parsons is raising three children, the youngest of whom is only six months old. The girl has to wash a lot. Given how quickly the heirs get their clothes dirty, especially in the summer, the young mother simply does not have time to dry them. When the problem became annoying, Beck decided to resort to trickery.

She took a clothes dryer and placed it on the side of her own tub. Because of good ventilation, air circulates constantly in this room, Parsons said. In addition, Beck put a heater next to this structure, which helped to significantly reduce the time spent drying the washed items.

I have a small bathroom with great ventilation, as well as a heater and some logic. Today I got the idea to put a clothes dryer there. All our things were dry in the blink of an eye. Here it is, my little victory, – wrote Parsons, having published a post and a corresponding photo on the network.

Also, the young mother admitted that the clothes dryer located in the bathroom saves space in the apartment. Now children, who often run around the house, cannot knock it over. Thus, life has become easier in every sense.

In the first hours after the publication of the post, Beck received a huge number of likes and comments. The subscribers thanked the girl for a useful life hack and promised to test this technique in practice in the near future.

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