Meriv çawa ji wêneyek destmalê dilekî çê dike

It is not at all difficult to arrange a romantic evening – your beloved will bring flowers, sweets and a bottle of champagne. Well, you can leave him a declaration of love right on the bed. You don’t need any complex skills to do this. Helpstar, who often needs to make beds in apartments, has shown how you can decorate a marriage bed with ordinary towels and a small amount of rose petals.

Wê bigire

Two towels made of thick fabric. It is desirable that they be white. It is better to take the medium size, otherwise the hearts can turn out to be very large.

Towels should be washed and ironed beforehand. Stale fabric will be very difficult to shape.

Buy rose petals from a flower shop or market. Many sellers of bouquets specifically sell them in large bags for decoration.


Step 1. The towel should be spread on the bed. With your left hand, pinch it in the middle of the long side – this will be the lower, narrow part of the heart. With your right hand, roll the right side tightly into a tube to form a 45-degree angle. In this case, the towel should be kept taut, but not very tight.

Step 2. After that, with your right hand, also grasp the narrow part of the heart and fold the second part in a mirror with your left hand. You should now have a triangle.

Step 3. Now we make the wider part of the heart. To do this, you just need to curl up the fabric – it is somewhat reminiscent of modeling from plasticine.

Step 4. Take rose petals and scatter them inside the hearts and around the edges. It is not worth saving – the more, the better. If the next morning you are too lazy to clean, you can call Helpstar specialists.

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