Snoring – Our doctor’s opinion

Snoring - Dîtina doktorê me

Wekî beşek ji nêzîkatiya kalîteya wê, Passeportsanté.net we vedixwîne ku hûn nêrîna pisporê tenduristiyê kifş bikin. Dr Jacques Allard, bijîjkê giştî, nerîna xwe li ser we dide çarîkê :

Apart from cases of sleep apnea, snoring is not really a very serious problem, except obviously for those around them who can be quite desperate! Most people who see a doctor for this condition experience major snoring. The doctor must then determine whether there is sleep apnea or not.

If it is simply snoring, I recommend first losing weight, quitting smoking and especially limiting alcohol consumption in the evening. These few measures should decrease snoring appreciably.

If the major snoring persists, I recommend a consultation with an ENT (otolaryngologist), who can suggest certain treatments that are mainly aimed at cases of sleep apnea, but which could still apply to your situation, such as a nasal steroid spray, dentures, CPAP machines, or even surgery.


Dr. Jacques Allard MD FCMFC Dr.


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