
“One of the most breathtaking sights in the world is to watch a Master work, no matter what he does. Paints a picture, cuts off meat, shines shoes, it doesn’t matter. When a person does the work for which he was born into the world, he is magnificent. — Boris Akunin

good coachGreat coachComments*

Earns a living

Considers his work as a Purpose and Mission

He develops himself in his work

Believes it is important to contribute to the development of people

Strives to demonstrate their experience and capabilities

Strives to unleash the potential of the Client*

Since the Great Coach has already passed the path of the Good Coach, he does not have

Gains further experience from his current practice

Uses every opportunity to improve their competence*

Learns from his students, including

Takes dearly for his services, because he knows his own worth

Takes dearly for his services, because he knows the magnitude of the result that can be achieved with his help

Works online, where costs are lower

Works where it is possible to achieve greater results for the Client

Keeps his coaching experience under wraps

Actively shares his technologies, communicates among like-minded people

Uses existing quality and proven products

Constantly develops new unique products to achieve the goals of its Clients*

Provided that there are no existing ones for solving the problem

Uses the techniques of oratory and acting to be bright, interesting, stand out

Uses the techniques of oratory and acting skills to solve the problem of the Client

Strives to create an environmentally friendly environment to improve group manageability

Strives to create an environmentally friendly environment to unlock the potential of the Client

If there is a request for a training that is not in the Trainer’s profile, he will quickly raise his competencies and implement the project

If there is a request for a training that is not in the Trainer’s profile, will recommend a colleague who specializes in the topic

Writes articles to become famous

Writes articles to change people’s lives for the better

Adheres to the training plan, as it ensures that the actual program matches the declared one

Makes adjustments to the program along the way, based on the changed inputs during the training, in order to give the maximum result

Trainer — only in the classroom, other contexts — other roles

Always Coach, in every situation*

Always and in everything the Coach creates an opportunity for people to reveal their potential in any life situation, and not only at the training

Working to live


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