Chocolate milkshake is dangerous for vascular health – scientists

Diseases of the cardiovascular system begin to bother people from the age of 30-40, so scientists are trying to find ways that can slow down the aging process of the heart and blood vessels. Researchers from Harvard University found that eating 50 grams of nuts a week can reduce the likelihood of heart and vascular problems by 3-4 times. Biologists, physiologists and physicians have identified a number of products that should not be consumed in ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases.

Chocolate milkshake is harmful to blood vessels

Julia Brittain, a doctor from the Medical University, says that the chocolate milkshake harms the blood vessels. If you drink one glass of drink and eat one dish, which contains a large amount of fat, unhealthy changes in blood vessels and red blood cells are activated. She reported that red blood cells are naturally smooth, but when fatty foods are eaten, special “spikes” appear on their surface.

If a person is completely healthy, adheres to a proper diet, then such changes will be only temporary. An experiment was conducted: 10 completely healthy volunteers drank a treat, which included ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate and full-fat milk. In one glass of milkshake, there were about 80 grams of fat and one thousand kilocalories. 4 hours after taking such food, the doctor analyzed the state of the vessels. As a result of the experiment, it was found that it was difficult for them to expand, and the erythrocytes changed their shape.

Julia Brittain linked the change in the shape of red blood cells to the immune response. Such a reaction of the immune system can cause diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Also, because of the drink, the level of myeloperoxidase protein temporarily increased (deviation from the norm can provoke a heart attack). The doctor advises even healthy people to refrain from eating chocolate milkshakes, especially in large quantities.

The most dangerous food that can harm the heart and blood vessels

Scientists of world importance believe that the main cause of coronary heart disease is malnutrition, in particular the consumption of large amounts of fat and salt.

Cardiologist Marat Aripov named the main products that can harm the cardiovascular system:

  • pastries (cakes with cream, butter cookies, buns with butter filling);
  • red and black caviar;
  • beer (it is worth drinking no more than 0,5 liters for men and no more than 0,33 liters for women per day);
  • sparkling wines and champagne;
  • pates and smoked sausages.

These products contain the highest amount of unhealthy fats.

Physiologists working at the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a large-scale experiment. It lasted 30 years and was led by MD En Pan. 120 volunteers took part in the work. Scientists decided to find out if red meat is healthy.

About 38 thousand men and 82 thousand women took part in the statistical experiment. For all the time, researchers recorded 24 deaths: 6 people died from vascular and heart diseases, 10 volunteers died from oncology, and the rest from other ailments. The British are sure that eating red meat has a negative effect on the human body.

Symptoms that indicate problems with the cardiovascular system

Vascular diseases ranked fourth in the world among all other ailments. Therefore, upon reaching the age of 30-40, it is worth strengthening the vessels and, at the first clinical symptoms of a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, contact a specialist.

Alarm bells are:

  • increased sweating with an increase in temperature indoors and outdoors;
  • throbbing headache;
  • weakness and severe fatigue with changing weather conditions;
  • pain and aches in the joints;
  • feeling cold and numb in the hands and feet;
  • pressure surges in the arteries;
  • fast or slow heartbeat.

With frequent unreasonable dizziness, short-term loss of consciousness, darkening in the eyes after a sharp change in body position, it is worth examining. Another sign of vascular disease is sudden motion sickness while riding in a vehicle.

These symptoms indicate a weakening of blood vessels, a violation of blood circulation. Such manifestations may be associated with an increase in cholesterol levels. Due to a deviation from the norm of the indicator, the vessels become more fragile and lose their elasticity.

An experienced cardiologist diagnoses the following diseases: hypertension and varicose veins, vascular dystonia and atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and phlebitis, vascular crises and migraines.

All about the problems with blood vessels told the Russian surgeon

The well-known doctor Igor Zatevakhin is sure that every third person on the planet has problems with blood vessels. Most pathologies appear due to atherosclerosis. More than 60% of cases of heart attacks and strokes are associated with trauma to the arteries by plaques. From 40 to 52% of people a year die from cardiovascular diseases.

Zatevakhin noted that some types of oncology can be treated, but not advanced atherosclerosis. The true root cause of the development of the disease has not yet been determined by any scientist. Researchers are confident that the disease is caused by a metabolic disorder, hereditary predisposition, addictions (eating fatty foods, smoking). Then it is worth asking the question why young, mobile and thin people have atherosclerotic plaques. The surgeon suggests that the basis of a dangerous disease is an intracellular viral infection.

The specialist said that at the initial stage of vascular diseases, dietary nutrition will help get rid of the problem, but with a running process, it will no longer be possible to do without medicines. Zatevakhin believes that the most effective method of preventing atherosclerosis is the rejection of animal fats.

In case of vascular diseases, the Russian surgeon recommends including in the diet:

  • masî kêm-rûn;
  • skimmed dairy products;
  • vegetable food;
  • zerikên hêkê;
  • ceger;
  • sebze û fêkî;
  • dexl û fêkiyan.

Maintaining an active lifestyle is considered the most effective in violation of the cardiovascular system. Physical activity stimulates the development of blood vessels, after training the patient’s condition improves significantly.

Useful exercise for the heart and blood vessels

Short-term strength training is considered the most harmful for blood vessels and the heart. It is best to work with a trainer who is familiar with the capabilities of a person and his past illnesses. During physical activity, it is worth monitoring the heartbeat.

If, due to physical activity, the pulse rises above 140 beats per minute, you need to switch to lighter exercises. This must be done because at such a pulse the body lacks oxygen. As a result, heart overload, shortness of breath and oxygen starvation begin.

Doctors recommend that people with vascular diseases give preference to aerobic exercise with a large range of motion. Running, yoga, medium-intensity Pilates, swimming, cycling have proven to be ideal.

tedbîrên pêşîgirtinê

In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is worth quitting smoking. Non-smokers should avoid being in a room where other people smoke (a passive process is very dangerous to health). With five cigarettes smoked daily, the risk of vascular problems increases by 40-50%. When smoking one pack a day, the risk of death increases by 8-10 times.

Compliance with a hypocholesterol diet favorably affects the functioning of internal organs and the body as a whole. It is worth reducing the consumption of fatty meat products. It is necessary to eat rabbit meat and turkey meat. It is advisable to focus on cereals, fruits, fish and vegetables. Of the oils, doctors recommend rapeseed, corn, sunflower, olive. The fat content in products should not exceed thirty percent.

In order to prevent vascular diseases, it is worth consuming up to 5 grams of table salt per day. It is mandatory to reduce the use of food that contains hidden salt (bread, boiled and smoked sausage). Scientists have proven that with a decrease in the amount of salt in food, the risk of problems with the heart and blood vessels is reduced by 25-30%.

Useful are meals with magnesium and calcium. These products include buckwheat, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, raisins, apricots, sea kale. No need to sit on exhausting diets, it is better to give preference to a rational balanced diet (4-5 meals per day).

If a person has overweight, it is necessary to actively fight it. Extra pounds can cause serious problems with blood vessels and the heart. According to statistical surveys, scientists found that 12-15% of the respondents did not know their weight. With age, people begin to monitor body weight less, which has a deplorable effect on their health.

An important preventive measure is to control the pressure in the arteries (the indicator should not exceed 140/90 millimeters of mercury). Be sure to swim, ride a bike, go jogging. The average load should be half an hour a day (about 4-5 times a week). People over the age of 50 should combine classes of varying severity.

Scientists recommend that patients with vascular diseases control lipid metabolism and hemoglobin levels. It has a positive effect on the patient’s body refusal to take alcoholic beverages. One of the important factors that prevent serious diseases is the reduction of stress and conflict situations. Even with small lifestyle changes, it will be possible to slow down the aging process of the whole organism and avoid problems with blood vessels and the heart.

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