Naha Destpêkirin: 5 Serişte û Tevgerên Ji bo Xebatên Birêkûpêk

A lot of work, you need to take the child to mom, the car broke down, it’s too cold, too far away. There are a thousand reasons why we cannot go to training today. We share five tips on how to stop looking for excuses, and simple exercises that are easiest to start with.

Motivating yourself to start exercising right now is not that difficult. It is enough to properly prepare, be inspired and stock up on self-confidence. And also — to see in front of you a clear plan of exercises that everyone can perform.

Meriv çawa dest bi pratîkê dike?

1. Set a realistic goal

Dibe ku dema herî girîng. Xewna razber a bedewbûnê, dîtina hevalek û di betlaneyê de bifire dê li vir nexebite. Armancek taybetî destnîşan bikin. "Heya dawiya mehê wî cilê sor ê ecêb bi mezinahiya 42 bikirin" baş e.

2. Find a workout club

The main disadvantage of exercising at home is the temptation to skip a workout. Buying a club card will solve the problem. After a month, you will realize that you already want to attend all possible classes in the club, and simple exercises are no longer enough.

3. Buy nice sportswear

It’s great to look at yourself in a stylish uniform, and you just want to «walk» it urgently. And then watch how with each workout the centimeters from the hips go away and the waist slowly begins to appear.

4. Start personal training

If you pay for personal training with a trainer, then it will be embarrassing to miss a workout, you will definitely have to come to the gym twice a week. In addition, the coach will monitor the technique of performing exercises, help you create a nutrition program, scold you for skipping and cheer you up when you “really” can no longer.

5. Ji xwe hez bikin

Awayê ku hûn ji xwe hez dikin nîşanî yên din dide ku hûn çawa ji we hez dikin. Pir xweş e ku hûn laşê xwe hîs bikin, wê îdare bikin, ji dema ku tenê ya we ye kêf bikin. Û ya ku hûn dikarin xwe û tenduristiya xwe bidin.

Ji ber vê yekê naha hûn bi rêkûpêk motîvasyon, barkirin û amade ne. Werin em îro dest pê bikin. A niha. Berî ku hûn bernameyek werzîşê dest pê bikin, bi doktorê xwe re kontrol bikin, nemaze heke berevajîyên we hebin. Ji bîr mekin ku berî ku dest bi werzîşê bikin 5-10 hûrdeman xwe germ bikin û pişt re dirêj bikin.

Li vir çend temrînên laşgir ên bi bandor û hêsan hene ku hûn ê bê guman jê hez bikin.

Exercises to start with

1. Bi vekêşanê ve bizivirin. Em masûlkeyên piştê perwerde dikin

Starting position (IP): standing, feet hip-width apart, chest open.

Bodybar in hands: direct grip. While inhaling, tilt the body down (back is even), while lowering the bodybar along the hips, to the center of the knees. As you exhale, pull the projectile to your stomach, bring your shoulder blades together. Inhale — return the bodybar to the center of the knees, as you exhale, raise the body to the PI.


2. Raise your arms. We train biceps

IP: standing, knees slightly bent, back straight.

Bodybar li jêr, li nêzî hips: girtina rasterast. Dest li firehiya milan. Destên xwe hêdî-hêdî berjêr bikin, laş berbi asta milê xwe bilind bikin. Kûçik li aliyên laş têne girêdan. Pişta xwe nedin. Demek kurt, biceps rehet neke. Hêdî hêdî destên xwe vegerin PI.


3. Deadlift in a standing position. Strengthen your shoulders

IP: standing, feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, tailbone pointing down.

Bodybar at hip level, grip — arms shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, bend the elbow joints, raise the bodybar to the chest: the elbows are up, while the wrists are motionless. As you exhale, lower the bodybar down into the PI.


4. Squats. We train the front surface of the thigh and buttocks

IP: standing, feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, abdominal muscles tense, back straight, shoulder blades flattened.

Bodybar li ser milên. Dema ku bêhnê dikişîne, squat bike (goşeya girêkên çokan 90 derece ye): lingê xwe bi paş ve bigrin, masûlkeyên qûnê hişk bikin. Gava ku hûn derdixin, vegerin PI-yê.


5. Lunges bi dirêjkirinê. Em pişt û pêşiya ran û qûnê perwerde dikin

IP: standing, legs together, bodybar on the shoulders. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together.

While inhaling, take a step back and do a squat (the angle at the knee joints is 90 degrees). As you exhale, return to the PI. Repeat with the other leg.


Her temrîn 15-20 caran ji bo 3 setan tê dubare kirin.

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