Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) – Our specialist’s opinion

Nexweşiyên Obsessive Compulsive (OCD) - Nerîna pisporê me

Wekî beşek ji nêzîkatiya kalîteya wê, Passeportsanté.net we vedixwîne ku hûn nêrîna pisporek tenduristiyê kifş bikin. Dr. Céline Brodar, psîkolog, nêrîna xwe li ser vê yekê dide we zordariya bêdengî-hûrgelî :

Suffering from OCD is very often seen as something shameful by the person who has it. Too long a time between the appearance of the first symptoms and the decision to consult a specialist. However, the psychological suffering caused by these disorders is real and deep. This disease is frequent and has a great impact on daily life. It can become a real handicap.

As a professional, I can only encourage people who suffer from OCD to consult as soon as possible. Speaking to a mental health professional is a difficult but important step to take. Finally, those close to them, who are also affected by the disease, should not be forgotten. He should not hesitate to seek advice and support from therapists.

Céline Brodar, psîkologê klînîkî ku di neuropsîkolojiyê de pispor e


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