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Pregnancy is a joyful sign, but sometimes such dreams promise trouble, interpreters say. Let’s figure out together what a pregnant woman dreams of

Pregnant woman in Miller’s dream book

If you yourself are a pregnant woman in a dream, then this means that family life will not work out very well, and nature will deprive your children of attractiveness. But if you are actually in a position, then you will have an easy birth that will end successfully.

Pregnant woman in Vanga’s dream book

If a woman who sees such a dream is expecting a child, then only positive events will occur in her life. If not, then an early pregnancy is not ruled out. But if replenishment in the family is not yet included in your plans, then health problems are possible. Seeing someone else in the position is a sudden profit.

When a man dreams of his soulmate with a rounded tummy, this speaks of his sincere love for her and the desire to take care of her.

In a more general sense, the birth of a child in a dream reflects the birth of plans for a personal life in reality and the desire for parenthood. In addition, “pregnant” dreams can be provoked by hormonal changes.

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Pregnant woman in Islamic dream book

For a married man, the pregnancy of his wife promises at least good news, and even numerous blessings of earthly life. Your own pregnancy tells you: do not miss the chance to increase your fortune and property.

Single women and virgins after a dream about pregnancy can prepare for the wedding. But for older ladies, this is a signal of health problems.

Pregnant woman in Freud’s dream book

According to the psychoanalyst, such dreams have a direct meaning and speak of an impending conception. If there is no one to have a baby with, then you will have a chance to meet your ideal and build a strong relationship.

A man dreams of pregnancy if he is not only ready to become a father, but also dreams about it.

Pregnant woman in Loff’s dream book

In a general sense, pregnancy in a dream symbolizes creativity, puberty or material well-being. For a more accurate dream analysis, pay attention to the details.

If you saw your pregnancy and at the same time you are a young woman who wants to continue the race (but not in the near future), then this says that you have outgrown the stage of the primary transition (the stage of the child) and are now at the adult stage, at the stage of introspection. But there may be a purely physiological explanation for such dreams: they occur against the background of an active sexual life at certain points in the menstrual cycle.

Another reason for dreams about pregnancy is its presence in real life. And then the images that have arisen act as a response to existing thoughts and fears. For example, worries about the health of the unborn baby will provoke dreams about chronic problems or genetic defects in the child. Dreams about repeated or multiple pregnancies are a reflection of fears of coping with the role of a mother. By the way, not only a woman can be pregnant in a dream, there are no age and gender restrictions for this. When interpreting such dreams, you can rely on the above descriptions.

Pregnant woman in the dream book of Nostradamus

Your pregnancy in a dream, in its absence in reality, warns of impending troubles. They will be small, but you will incur some financial losses. Someone else’s pregnancy suggests that they want to borrow money from you.

Pregnant woman in Tsvetkov’s dream book

Deception will come into the life of young girls after a dream about their own pregnancy, adult women will have a reason for joy and pride, and a man will have to make plans. Seeing another person in the demolitions is a nuisance. Was the gender of the unborn child known? Boys dream of profit or gain, girls dream of happiness and new unexpected relationships.

Pregnant woman in the Esoteric dream book

Pregnancy dreams of financial loss. But if your own prophesies precisely losses that are independent of you, then someone else speaks of a voluntary “loss” of money – they will ask you for a loan and you will not be able to refuse.

Şîroveya psîkolog

Maria Khomyakova, psîkolog, terapîsta hunerî, terapîsta çîrokan:

The appearance of a pregnant woman in a dream in any context is always a reason to ask the question: what new has been born in me, how can I help this be born?

The fact is that the image of pregnancy itself is associated with the processes of creation, preservation, accumulation, bearing, nurturing. And a pregnant woman is a “vessel” that provides protection and security, is a fertile ground for the development of emerging life, and also provides for all important needs.

All of these processes lead to the creation of a new world. And this concept includes a variety of forms – from a child to an idea. If we talk about the spiritual manifestation of the image, then a dream about a pregnant woman is associated with carrying out business plans or creative projects, accumulating strength for the successful implementation of the plan, controlling your feelings so that your emotional state does not interfere with your work.

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