Çima dema pijandinê kartol ji hev dikeve?

Çima dema pijandinê kartol ji hev dikeve?

Dema xwendinê - 3 hûrdem.

It all depends on the type of potato. Experienced housewives already know which potatoes are better to cook, which has a boiling texture, and which is denser. The rich fruit is best for mashed potatoes, cream soup, casseroles, dumplings, salads and sauces. For soups, frying and baking, large, dense tubers are suitable, which will not lose their shape during heat treatment. This visual orientation comes from experience or from friendly vendors in urban or rural markets. Just tell them what you are going to cook in the evening before buying the product.

If you notice flaking parts of the potatoes in the dish, then most likely you are observing the reaction of starch, which heats up at high temperatures. If you notice suspicious impurities or an unusual smell, feel free to throw away all the leftovers without regret.

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