Hêkil: feyde, taybetmendiyên nuturî, kalorî

If you’ve been wondering what to cook for the weekend, we have a tasty and healthy suggestion.

“Overseas caviar … Eggplant …” – the hero of Savely Kramarov said, swallowing saliva in the legendary “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.” We have long been accustomed to eggplants, and now we have just taken the harvest. Don’t like eggplant? We have a lot of reasons that will convince you.

We baş lîst, they improve digestion. All thanks to dietary fiber, which is abundant in eggplant. These fibers stimulate the production of gastric juice so that nutrients are better absorbed and help the intestines to function. In addition, fibers are needed for the normal functioning of the heart – thanks to them, the level of “bad” cholesterol is reduced. This means the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.

Duyemîn, eggplant helps to lose weight. For some, this, by the way, is the No. 1 reason. Eggplants very quickly satisfy hunger, creating a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Thanks to this, the hormone ghrelin is blocked – the one that whispers to our brain that we are hungry. In addition, eggplant is low in calories (only 25 calories) and has the ability to reduce appetite.

Sêyemînprevent cancer. Eggplant is rich not only in dietary fiber, but also in antioxidants. These substances are excellent at fighting free radicals. They destroy healthy cells, often cause cancer and make us age. In addition, eggplant contains a lot of vitamin C – an immunity booster.

Çaremîn, eggplant helps to strengthen bones. Phenolic compounds that the vegetable contains give it a purple color and fight osteoporosis. And this, recall, is a fairly common disease among women over 40 years old. Thanks to these substances, bones become denser. And potassium, which is also abundant in eggplants, helps the body absorb calcium, the benefits of which for bones we will not talk about once again.

Pêncem, eggplant prevents anemia. All thanks to the iron contained in them. With a lack of this trace element, headaches, migraines become more frequent, fatigue, weakness, depression and even cognitive impairment appear. In addition, eggplant contains a lot of copper, this is another important element for health: when it is lacking, the number of red blood cells decreases.

Li şeşemîn, eggplant improves brain function. Imagine, ordinary food will make you smarter! The phytonutrients that our body extracts from this vegetable not only protect us from disease, but also improve cerebral circulation. More oxygen means better memory and analytical thinking. And potassium is considered a “vitamin for the mind”. Potassium in eggplant, recall, in excess.

Heftemimprove heart health. We have already mentioned cholesterol. And the bioflavonoids found in eggplant help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function.

Eighth, it is an excellent diabetes prevention. Again, due to the fiber and high amount of slow carbs found in eggplant. Thanks to these properties, the vegetable is able to regulate blood glucose and insulin levels.

Nehem helps to bear a healthy baby. Eggplant contains a lot of folic acid, which is considered almost the primary substance necessary for pregnant women. Folic acid is essential for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. Lack of folic acid can provoke premature birth, miscarriages, placental abruption and numerous fetal pathologies: from mental retardation and hydrocephalus to the cleft lip. But it’s important to remember that eggplant is a potential allergen. It is necessary to monitor the body’s reactions to the presence of this vegetable in the diet.

Dehem, eggplant goes well with just about anything. They can be stewed, baked, caviar, grilled, warm salads, served with meat, fish or other vegetables. The only thing you shouldn’t do with them is fry in oil. Eggplant instantly absorbs fat, becoming as high-calorie as pies.

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