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A few signs of people you should avoid communicating with, even if you have known each other for a hundred years.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that close friends do not seem to be too happy about your success, but, on the contrary, are rather jealous of your achievements? Thinking about it, you probably immediately drove this thought away from you. So what, but you know each other for ages – from college or even from school. Perhaps you grew up side by side, experienced a lot together … But this does not mean that friendship is worth maintaining.

1. Emotionally, they use you like a punching bag.

Sad but true: these “friends” don’t give a damn about you – they just use you to amuse their egos. They are especially good at this when something in your life is not going the way you would like: when you fail, it is easier for them to rise at your expense.

And you also constantly have to pull them out of emotional holes – after breakups, layoffs and other failures; console, soothe, praise, encourage, admire them. And, of course, as soon as they return to normal, you are no longer needed.

Needless to say, if you yourself feel bad, no one bothers with you like that?

2. There is always rivalry between you.

Do you share with a friend your joy at being invited to a job that you have long dreamed of? Be sure: without listening to you, he will begin to talk about the fact that he, too, is about to be promoted. Or that he will have a long-awaited vacation. Or start to question your competence. Anything to be “not worse” than you.

And of course, such a person will not support you in your endeavors, strengthen your self-confidence, especially if you are striving for the same goals. His task is to trip you up in order to completely destroy your self-esteem. Don’t play these games, even if you know the person from infancy.

3. They make you stick around by playing on your weaknesses.

Due to close ties, we all know the “sore spots” of our friends, but only toxic people allow themselves to use this. And if you dare to “get out of their nets” and set off on a free voyage, be sure that reproaches, slander, and threats will fall after you. Anything to get you back into an unhealthy relationship.

So you have to be prepared for the fact that it will not be easy to part with such people. But it’s worth it – you will definitely make new friends who will treat you differently, will appreciate, respect and support you.

Don’t let others throw you off course. Don’t let your so-called “friends” rob you of your self-confidence. Do not get involved in strange competition and unnecessary rivalry. Don’t let the strings be pulled and manipulated by guilt.

Put yourself, your interests, dreams and plans at the forefront. Be patient and look for new friends – those who will make your life better.

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