Diyeta qelew a Kwasnevsky, 2 hefte, -6 kg

Di 6 rojan de 14 kg winda dibe.

Naveroka rojane ya caloriyê 910 Kcal e.

Probably, the phrase fat diet will seem to you simply paradoxical. After all, from the fat in the diet, as you think, you need to get rid of. And we, on the contrary, will lose weight in this way! This is recommended by a nutritionist from Poland Jan Kwasniewski. As the specialist says, on such a diet you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Kwasnevsky diet requirements

The developer of the diet calls it optimal nutrition and suggests considering it a system. Of course, Jan Kwasniewski does not call for the use of exclusively fatty foods, but he advises making it the basis of the diet. There is no time frame for adhering to this diet. According to the recommendations of Kwasnevsky, it should be adhered to for a long time or even a lifetime. This is not a one-day diet.

It is recommended to eat animal proteins, as well as fats – food that gives a lot of energy and perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. That is, the basis of your diet, if you decide to transform on a fatty diet, should be meat and lard. In small quantities and occasionally, you can afford potatoes and pasta (preferably from durum wheat).

Kwasnevsky also includes eggs, milk, cream, fat cottage cheese, high-fat cheeses and other fatty dairy and fermented milk products on the list of permitted products. The specialist advises to exclude the rest of the products during the period of active weight loss from the diet altogether. When you reach the desired figure, forbidden foods can be introduced into the diet, but in very small quantities. At the same time, carefully control your weight, unless, of course, you want to return to the problem of its abundance again.

If you believe the conclusions of Kwasnevsky, there is no point in consuming vegetables and fruits, on the use of which physicians and specialists in the field of healthy nutrition, are almost unanimous, since these products consist almost of one water. The author of the system suggests simply drinking a glass of liquid instead. But if you really want to, you can eat several fruits, choosing those that contain the least amount of carbohydrates. This will not significantly interfere with the weight loss process.

Also, the developer of the diet draws an analogy with ruminants, which, on the contrary, gain weight from plant foods. Therefore, the same can happen to people. It is a diet saturated (or rather, supersaturated) with fats that will help the body start the mechanisms of fat burning and, as a result, lose weight.

Kwasniewski recommends eating three times a day, without snacks, taking normal portions, neglecting the principles of fractional nutrition. He advises to eat your fill so as not to feel hungry until the next meal.

When you eat, let your brain focus entirely on food. The author of the fat diet is categorically opposed to people watching TV, reading newspapers, and so on while eating. When I eat, I am deaf and dumb, as they say. If possible, after each meal you need to tie fat – lie down to rest for at least 15-20 minutes.

But it is important to switch to the fat system gradually. You should not immediately make all meals as fat as possible. Eat like this once a day at once, then two, later – everything. Otherwise, it can be very stressful for the body. If you switch to fatty foods gradually, as the author notes, citing research results for example, a beneficial effect will be exerted not only on the figure, but also on health. In particular, in people who adhere to this diet, kidney function improves. Also, the diet is useful for asthma, stomach ulcers.

Kwasnevsky also notes that the diet scheme proposed by him does not promise weight loss to a painful appearance. On the contrary, those who are underweight by eating in this way should solve this problem. That is, the weight returns to the physiological norm.

Fat diet menu

An approximate menu in active weight loss mode is recommended the following.

Taştê: scrambled eggs from 3 (and if you are not full, then from more) eggs, the use of which can be accompanied by a slice of bread dipped in fat.

Dinner: about 150 g of carbonade, which is allowed to fry in eggs and breadcrumbs, a few potatoes. You can also use some vegetable for dilution, but a small one (for example, a pickled cucumber).

Dinner: cheese cakes with butter (2-3 pcs.), a glass of cream of considerable fat, you can have a little unsweetened marmalade.

As the author of the system notes, with such a hearty lunch, you may not want to have dinner at all. If so, skip the extreme meal. Do not mock the body. If you want – eat, if you don’t want – you shouldn’t.

Contraindications to the Kwasnevsky diet

This diet has many contraindications. The malfunctioning of many organs can become a taboo for the abundance of fat in the diet. So be sure to go through a comprehensive examination and consult a doctor if you decide to lose weight like that.

Of course, it is impossible to sit on such a diet for people whose ailments are attributed to special nutrition, as well as for children and pregnant women. In general, it is worth approaching such controversial methods of losing weight with caution.

Benefits of a fat diet

As noted by people who have reduced weight on it, the process of losing weight, albeit not instantly, is still going on. And parting with the hated pounds is comfortable.

There is no feeling of hunger, I do not want to break loose. The time of meals, as well as their amount, is not strictly normalized. Eat densely 2-3 times a day whenever you want.

The choice of dishes for this diet can be found in any institution, you do not need to take food with you, you do not leave your usual life and lose weight.

Disadvantages of Kwasnevsky’s fat diet

1. Despite the many advantages and flattering reviews, many doctors do not advise sick people to turn to this diet. With asthma, diabetes mellitus, Kvasnevskiy recommends adhering to his system only under the supervision of a doctor.

2. Many nutritionists are convinced that such nutrition, on the contrary, can strike a blow on the body’s work (in particular, on metabolism, after the failure of which it will be super problematic to lose weight in the future).

3. In addition, nutritionists are extremely embarrassed by Kwasniewski’s call to eat six eggs a day. After all, as you probably heard, such a number of eggs is a blow to the liver. In other food systems, it is often recommended not to eat that much, even in a week, let alone one day.

4. If you do decide to lose weight on this diet, you may be faced with the monotony of the diet, with a meager choice of menu. Yes, you will be full. But food, in which there is so much fat, you may soon just get bored. Making it a regime for a long time is rather problematic.

5. If you are still interested in the fatty method of losing weight, first try to practice fasting fatty days. And then decide whether to improve in this way.

6. Also, an abundance of fat and a small amount of healthy carbohydrates in the diet can reduce brain activity, cause bad breath, and drain muscles.

Re-carrying out the Kwasnevsky diet

According to the principles of the author of the system, it should be made a regular meal schedule. Think and decide for yourself. Everything is very individual.

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