
Quitting what you started is bad. We have been hearing about it since childhood. This speaks of a weak character and inconstancy. However, psychotherapist Amy Morin believes that the ability to stop in time is an indicator of a strong personality. She talks about five examples when quitting what you started is not only possible, but also necessary.

Guilt haunts people who don’t follow through. In addition, they are often embarrassed to admit it. In fact, the reluctance to cling to unpromising goals distinguishes psychologically flexible people from weak ones. So, when can you quit what you started?

1. When your goals have changed

When we grow above ourselves, we strive to become better. This means our priorities and goals are changing. New tasks require new actions, so sometimes you have to change the field of activity or your habits in order to make time, space and energy for a new one. As you change, you outgrow your old goals. However, do not quit what you started too often. It is better to analyze the current priorities and try to adapt the former goals to them.

2. When what you do goes against your values

Sometimes, in order to achieve a promotion or success, you are given the opportunity to do something that you think is wrong. Those who are unsure of themselves succumb to pressure and do what their superiors or circumstances require of them. At the same time, they suffer, worry and complain about the injustice of the world. Whole, mature individuals know that a truly successful life is possible only if you live in harmony with yourself and do not compromise your own principles for the sake of profit.

The sooner you stop wasting time and money, the less you end up losing.

A fanatical desire for a goal often makes you reconsider your life priorities. Something needs to be changed if work takes too much time and energy from you, if you do not pay attention to family and hobbies, do not notice new opportunities and do not care about your health. Do not discount what is really important to you in order to prove to yourself or others that you will not stop halfway.

3. When the result is not worth the effort spent to achieve it

One of the hallmarks of a strong personality is asking yourself: Does my end justify the means? Those who are strong in spirit do not hesitate to admit that they stop the project because they overestimated their strength and too many resources are required to implement the plan.

Perhaps you’ve decided to lose some weight or make $100 more a month than before. While you were planning it, everything looked simple. However, as you began to move towards the goal, it became clear that there were numerous limitations and difficulties. If you’re fainting from hunger because of your diet, or if you’re consistently sleep deprived to earn extra money, it might be worth dropping the plan.

4.When you’re in a predicament

The only thing worse than being on a sinking ship is that you are still on board, waiting for the ship to sink. If things are not going well, it is worth stopping them before the situation becomes hopeless.

Stopping is not a defeat, but only a change of tactics and direction

It is difficult to admit your mistake, really strong people are capable of it. Perhaps you invested all your money in a non-profitable business or spent hundreds of hours on a project that turned out to be futile. However, it is pointless to repeat to yourself: «I have invested too much to quit.» The sooner you stop wasting time and money, the less you end up losing. This applies to both work and relationships.

5. When costs exceed results

Strong people calculate the risks associated with achieving a goal. They monitor expenses and leave as soon as expenses exceed income. This works not only in terms of career. If you invest in a relationship (friendship or love) much more than you receive, think about whether you need them? And if your goal takes away health, money and relationships, it needs to be reconsidered.

How do you make the decision to quit what you started?

Such a decision is not easy. It should not be taken in a hurry. Remember that fatigue and disappointment are not a reason to quit what you started. Analyze the pros and cons of your choice. Whatever you decide, remember that stopping is not defeat, but only a change of tactics and direction.

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