They tell about their mother’s life on YouTube

Milababychou, alias Roxane: “Filming yourself every day, it sounds silly, but there is a lot of work behind it.”

© Milababychou. the YouTube

“When I got pregnant, I had to stop working almost overnight. Mixing in a nightclub with a round belly or with a newborn at home was really not an option! So to occupy my time, I launched an Instagram account where I shared my life as a mom.

I discovered videos of mothers in the United States … and in Great Britain. And I decided to launch my channel when Mila was 6 months old. I have always liked challenges. However, I do not know what made the success of the channel. Perhaps the grain of family madness that appeals to Internet users? I show recipes, activities, I always find something to tell. And I stay true. Even if my head is loose at breakfast. I don’t give importance to the eyes of others. On the other hand, I do not expose my daughter when she is sick or in the middle of tears… This channel was really a great opportunity for me. I had to move on anyway. Even though I miss mixing from time to time and it’s still my job. It’s pretty ideal today, as I have time to devote to my daughter. Moreover, it is present on 70% of the videos. Alex works in his office while I move into the dining room instead.

To edit, I wait until Mila is in bed or I get up before her in the morning. I took a kind of rhythm. Alex supports me, he explained a lot of things to me about the technique and sometimes gives me a hand. An agency manages emails and brand requests for me. I hate being put in the category of “influencers”. I don’t influence anyone. I test products, I give an impression. People are free to do whatever they want with it.

For comments, I try to read everything and answer. Unfortunately, this is not always doable! When we receive messages of thanks, “we love you”, it’s such a pleasure and such recognition! During a meet-up, I remember my mother’s surprise when she discovered the crowd that came to meet us. It sounds amazing and easy to do. But in reality, you have to be really passionate and motivated because it takes a lot of time and energy. A full time, in fact! ” l


Hello Mum, alias Laure: “I want to show the happiness of a simple family life.”

© Allomaman. Youtube

“I was a BTS student when I got pregnant. Around me, the other girls did not have the same concerns, I felt isolated. My little sister loved the beauty videos and I liked the format too. So I started without communicating …

I film our daily life. Chance, the meetings made that the chain has grown. At the beginning, it was I who waited to be reassured in my choices on such or such purchase of changing bag. Today, it’s the opposite, I bring my experience. It is this feeling of transmitting that motivates me. I’m Madam everyone and I’m happy like that, that’s the message I want to get across. So I read as many comments as possible, I invest myself, I try to improve the quality of my videos. It has become my passion, my job. We discussed a lot the risk of exposing Eden and we found a kind of limit to protect everyone: I film our daily life, but not our privacy. In short, no quarrels between couples… My childbirth was not filmed. People have seen me walk into the birth room and then meet me with my daughter. “

Rebecca, alias Diary of a Mom: “I don’t play a role, I am as honest as possible.”

© Nora Houguebade. Youtube

“When I had to get back to work after Eliora was born, my nanny let me go. Thinking about it, between Lois’ hours and mine, we wouldn’t have benefited much from our daughter. In short, I preferred to devote myself to my life as a mother.

I feel useful. Very quickly, I felt that I had to find a way to break the isolation. As I was very active on social networks and comfortable speaking, I launched my channel. I did Fine Arts, so I had a visual sensitivity. I do vlogging every day (regularity is important) and face-to-face topics. I did not think when I started that I would make a small salary one day! I believe that people appreciate my natural and close side to them. I’m not playing a role, I’m as honest as possible. It’s people’s feedback that makes sense. I feel useful. And I admit, it has an addictive side, we want it to work. Not to mention the meetings with other bloggers, YouTubers, the events to which I am invited. It’s rare to be able to live off your passion while taking care of your child. The sensitive point is the material! I started with my old laptop and a camera offered for Christmas… ”

NyCyLa, alias Cécile: “I love these one-to-one moments with my daughter.”

© NYCYLA. Youtube

“NyCyLa initially was my mom’s blog. I have always loved writing and wanted to share my daughter’s life with my family, my loved ones. I was making videos to illustrate my posts. And I quickly realized that the video format appealed much more than the texts. In fact, the chain really started when we moved to California in 2014. Nicolas had an opportunity and we left the French Riviera.

I share incredible moments. Telling our daily life to those around us who lived on the other side of the world has become a need. And for us, it represents a gold mine of memories. Our installation in the middle of Silicon Valley, Lana’s progress, her outings, her travels. I think that’s my strength: allowing people to get away from it all, to travel by proxy. I have the chance to live incredible moments and to be able to share them: helicopter in the Grand canyon, diving around a wreck, boat trip with dolphins. I only share moments of joy.

Very quickly, from a “pleasure” activity, the channel became my main occupation. Especially since I want to manage the emails myself, the relations with the brands. For that, no problem, I did a master’s degree in communication marketing. The other techniques, I learned them on the job. As for speaking in public, I’ve always loved it. More than showing my head… So people hear me more than they see me.

As for my daughter, rather shy and reserved in life, I have the impression that she loves the camera. Sometimes she scolds me: “Mom, I wanted to do the video with you!” It makes me laugh when people tell me “she looks perfect!”. She is capricious like all children, but I only film her in situations that enhance her. For now, I’m having fun and Nicolas understands my choice. For the future, maybe my daughter won’t want that anymore. We’ll see, I don’t care, because by living here, you escape fame. I am nobody despite my thousands of subscribers. It helps to keep a cool head. ”

Angélique, alias Angie Maman 2.0: “Today, YouTube occupies me 60 hours a week.”

© Angiemaman2.0. Youtube

“I didn’t think my project would take on such proportions. I was a journalist, I worked in communication. Then I converted to marriage and family counselor. I worked for two years in a gynecology-obstetrics department. I was looking for an activity that made sense. At the same time, in January 2015, I launched the channel, always with this desire to help, to bring things to others, but also to write.

I work with an assistant. I was a young mother, it was funny and pleasant for me. Word of mouth worked very quickly. It was a new phenomenon on the web. I improved my technique with more advanced editing software. I continue to train when I can. When I was younger, I did a little theater. It surely played in my career. Today, YouTube keeps me busy 60 hours a week. I don’t have ONE job, but several: writer, cameraman, editor, project manager, community manager… You really shouldn’t be afraid of your image. I have an agency that manages the relationship side with the brands, even if I keep direct contact, because not all the products suit me. Since September 2016, I have been working with an assistant, Colin, who also participates in my videos, as my friends and neighbors can occasionally do. The pleasure of reading the comments is always the same. Obviously, I make people smile, it’s a huge satisfaction. These videos are fictions. My synopsis is written in advance. I do not tell about my daily life or that of Hugo. Of course, he actively participates. But sometimes he is fed up so I do without him, I never insist. We don’t do 15 takes with a 5-year-old. And especially if he transforms the lines, I do not change anything. I want it to stay spontaneous. In all, it takes him no more than two hours a week. It’s family friendly, everyone participates when they want to have fun, and that’s it! For the future, I have lots of plans, but for now I am enjoying the present moment. ”

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