Calocybe gambosa (Calocybe gambosa)

  • Dabeş: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Dabeşkirin: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Çîn: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Binçalak: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Rêzkirin: Agaricales (Agarîk an Lamellar)
  • Malbat: Lyophyllaceae (Lyophyllic)
  • Genus: Calocybe
  • Awa: Calocybe gambosa (Radiovka mayskaia)
  • May mushroom
  • Calocybe May
  • Georgiev Grib

May Row (Calocybe gambosa) wêne û şirove

Ryadovka Mayskaya (Îngilîzî Gambosa calocybe) is an edible mushroom of the genus Ryadovka (lat. Calocybe) of the Ryadovkovye family.

Danasîna Biyolojîkî


4-10 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is hemispherical or cushion-shaped, relatively regular rounded, opens as it grows, often losing symmetry – the edges can bend upwards, take on wavy outlines, etc .; in dry weather, the May cap may be covered with deep radial cracks. Crowded growth also leaves its mark: as the maturation, the caps are pretty deformed. Color – from yellowish to white, rather yellow in the central part, more or less close to white on the periphery, the surface is smooth, dry. The flesh of the cap is white, dense, very thick, with a strong mealy smell and taste.


Frequent, narrow, adnate with a tooth, in young mushrooms almost white, in adults – light cream.

Toza Sporê:



Thick and relatively short (2-7 cm high, 1-3 cm thick), smooth, cap-colored or slightly lighter, entire. The flesh of the leg is white, dense, fibrous.


May rowing begins to bear fruit in the middle or end of May on lawns, forest edges and glades, in parks and squares, on lawns; grows in circles or rows, forming well-marked “paths” in the grass cover. Completely disappears by mid-June.

May Row (Calocybe gambosa) wêne û şirove

Cureyên wekhev:

May rowing Calocybe gambosa – a very conspicuous mushroom due to its strong mealy smell and fruiting time; in May-June, this massive numerous row can be confused with garden entoloma.


The May ryadovka is considered a very good edible mushroom; one could argue with this (after all, the smell!), but this requires at least practical experience.

Video about the mushroom Ryadovka Mayskaya:

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